- Students who are irregular in submitting their assignments,homework,classwork will have to stay back after school in detention class for one hour and must complete their work within the stipulated time.
- Also it will be the responsibility of the parents to make the arrangements of taking the student home after the class.
- Parents are requested to check and sign the student’s diary and communicate with the teacher through the school diary.
- English is the medium of communication in school and students must speak in English in school otherwise fine as per the school rules will be imposed.
- Any changes in the information of Transportation,Address,Contact Number must be informed in the office.
- Inappropriate articles,magazines,books and digital materials are not permitted in school under any circumstances.
- Use of any abusive language, violence or misbehave in the school will be severely dealt with.
- The Principal reserves the right to resigning the charge of any pupil who is deemed unsatisfactory.In such cases the Principal is not bound to provide any reason.
- Notebooks and diaries must be covered as instructed by the class teacher.
- Each child is under the care and guidance of our teachers and we attempt to see that no violence is done to him/her or by him/her.